
Frequently Asked Questions this is what is contained in this section.

  1. Direct contact information

  2. Payment options

  3. Cost of writing letters
  4. First Free Letter
  5. How can I be sure my letter gets replied on.
  6. Can I check the status of my previously sent letter?

  7. How can I add credit to my account?
  8. How can I sign up or subscription?

  9. Personal Matchmaking assistence - Receiving "inside" information on certain person/persons.
  10. I am very busy person. Can I hire a personal assistant to help me find a match?

  11. Submiting your photos
  12. Can I send my picture to a certain woman/man instead of posting it in my profile?

  13. Updating profile information
  14. Changing: Name, Last name, e-mail address, mailing address

  15. Password Reminder
  16. Non-received password after registration

  17. Search for personals by their ID number, name, age, country, etc

  18. How can I be sure that I do not get scammed? Am I being scammed?

  19. Girl's ability to speak English. Do I need to speak Russian?
  20. What will writing emails versus making a visit do for me?
  21. Do I have any chance at meeting and marrying a beautiful girl much younger than me?
  22. What should I put into that first letter and what should I expect in response?
  23. Should I allow a beautiful woman???„?s looks to intimidate me?
  24. My family and friends are filling my head with the idea that I have lost my mind in pursuing a Russian girl. Is this normal? Are there any good Russian women?
  25. Would it be easier for me to pay in advance for services so that there are no delays in getting things done?

Oksanalove Credit:

What is Oksanalove credit?
An Oksanalove credit is a method of payment provided for purchasing letters, gifts, romantic tours, videos, photos, deep personality profiles and all services on the site. The amount of Credit equals a US dollar amount, $1 = 1 Oksanalove Credit.

How do I purchase Oksanalove credit?
Oksanalove Credit may be purchased with most major credit cards on our Website - VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal.

Also we accept Western Union money transfers.

Inside the USA cashiers checks and money orders are also accepted. Personal checks drawn on US banks will be accepted but are subject to a hold pending clearance of your check. No personal checks drawn on banks outside the USA will be accepted.

How do I use my Oksanalove credit?
Each time you make a purchase through, the total number of credit spent will be deducted from your account at the time of your purchase. The purchase history is available for viewing 24 hours, the sub-tab for checking purchase history is located under "Membership / Credit" main Tab.

Is my credit refundable?
No, all sales of Oksanalove Credit are final. The exception are some of our matchmaking membership programs have risk free trial, it has to be noted in terms and conditions of the program itself.

Can I pay for my romantic tour with Oksanalove credits?
Yes, you can use your Oksanalove Credit for any purchases on the site.

Direct contact information
OPTION 1. Direct contact information of personal can be obtained by becoming GOLD or VIP member.

VIP members can request direct contact information of the ladies. After request is submitted a recipient is choosing if she/he wants to release her/his information or not to a client. You will be notified of recipient decision via e-mail. If answer is positive, then you will receive direct contact information in your inbox on the site

OPTION 2. You also can use "Ask me out" or "Ask me on a Date" option located in each persona's profile. After you send request for a Date to addressee and after a recipient agrees on a date with you, after transaction is successful, you then can exchange direct contact details and agree on a date and time for your romantic date. Please, keep in mind though that lady is agreeing for an actual date and you need to meet with her in person within a period of 2 weeks.

Payment Options
All transactions are secured and run through the American merchants.




    Inside the USA we do accept checks and cashiers checks for any our services. Personal checks drawn on US banks will be accepted but are subject to a hold pending clearance of your check. No personal checks drawn on banks outside the USA will be accepted.

    Mail Checks to:
    4366 Auburn Boulevard, Suite #102
    Sacramento, CA, 95841

    You can send money to:
    Yelena Boichenko

    4366 Auburn Boulevard, Suite #102
    Sacramento, CA, 95841

    Once your payment is sent, please contact us with following information:
    Senders name
    state and city the money were sent from.
    We will need also 10 digit MTSN number. Once we confirm the transfer the services you paid for will be available to you immediately.
  • First Free Letter
    First letter from lady is FREE to read. ALWAYS!
    What's considered a first letter. A first letter considered when all factors are met:
    - if lady is initiated a contact with you herself
    - if you never contacted lady by any means before: no quick like was sent, no letter was sent to her by yourself (otherwise this considers to be an answer by hr to your letter, which is considered to be a second letter - her reply).
    - if you never opened lady's previous letter or letters
    A FIRST letter from lady is absolutely free to you to read.
    To make it easier to understand, we created such a programming code that shows you in your inbox which letter is a first letter and it has mark next to it "Free to Read".
    The letters that have mark "Free to Read and Reply" mean that you can have correspondence with lady free of charge to you as this lady is paying for her correspondence herself and 2 letters are free (woman is paying for correspondence), after that, you should decide to continue e-mail communication, the letters are subject to charge based on the woman's profile rating

    Cost of writing letters
    The cost of each letter is based on woman's rating.
    Reading first letter from lady - FREE
    Letter forwarding to the lady raiting 1* $1.50 each
    Letter forwarding to the lady raiting 2** $3.50 each
    Letter forwarding to the lady raiting 3*** $6.00 each
    Letter forwarding to the lady raiting 4**** $10.00 each
    Letter forwarding to the lady raiting 5***** FREE to you. AS This lady is paying for all letters she sents/receives herself.

    You can view woman's raiting either:
    • 1-9

      By making search and in search results, under each woman's profile photo.

    • 1-10

      In each individual woman's profile

    • Or In your inbox of incoming messages - under each lady's profile

    Can I check the status of my previously sent letter?
    Absolutely! You can check the status of your letter you sent to any woman at no cost to you. Just proceed to your "Sent Messages", find a letter you want to check status for, click on that letter and you will see the brief information of the status of that letter. Click on "View Tracking Detail" link and you will see the whole history of that particular letter with the time stamps of its activity.
    This option is currently free and available to all our male and female members.
    How can I add credit to my account?
    Logon to your account using your e-mail and password. At the top of the page, see link "Add Credit", follow instructions. You can use credit card, check, paypal, or western union for payments. For credit card payment and paypal payments after transaction is completed - your purchased credit is added to your account automatically.
    Your available credit balance can be used for all and any purchased on the site, such as letters, photos, personal matchmaking services, arranging dates, etc.
    How can I sign up or subscription?

    FOR MEN:

    Logon to your account using your e-mail and password. At the top of the page, see link "Sign Up For Subscription", follow instructions. You can use credit card, check, paypal, or western union for payments. For credit card payment and paypal payments after transaction is completed - your subscription is activated automatically. Currently we offer GOLD subscription level, allowing you access to all women's photos, some videos, matchmaking assistance, video interviews, ETC. Check what's included in GOLD membership.
    From time to time we release additional membership levels such as letter correspondence with the ladies, etc, our members are being notified by email when those memberships are available for purchase. This information is being delivered strictly through email system, so make sure you have our email address news_from_oksana (at) in your write list of contacts.


    Logon to your account using your e-mail and password. Under "Membership" tab, you can view all paid subscription levels we currently offer. For women we offer: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, VIP membership options.
    You can use credit card, check, paypal, or western union for payments. For credit card payment and paypal payments after transaction is completed - your subscription is activated automatically.

    Personal Matchmaking assistance - Receiving "inside" information on certain person/persons.
    That’s true that we have much in depth information available on each individual that we have in our catalog. So, if you wish to get inside information on certain lady/ladies/man/men who you are interested in or wish to contact or currently communicating with – our matchmakers will be happy to provide that information to you and assist you with your approaching tactics. Would you desire a personal matchmaker to put a “good word” for you to a specific individual, we certainly can do that. A huge benefit of being introduced by matchmaker is that all additional information will certainly make you stand out from the crowd of people who currently trying to contact this individual. Personal requests of this type will be handled by your personal matchmaker and assistant at a fee $200/hour, you are required to have at least 2 hours work funds available on your credit account.
    For GOLD and VIP members this type of service is available at no extra cost under subscription membership terms.

    I am very busy person. Can I hire a personal assistant to help me find a match?
    Yes, our agency provides a personal matchmaker for you who can assist you in your search. There are several options you can use for hiring a professional assistance:

    For men:

    1. Hire a personal matchmaker on hourly basis, who will address all your concerns, find out about search requirements and will suggest personals who meet your requirements. A personal matchmaker can get you in contact with those personals as well (in some cases be prepared to invest extra funds to cover lady’s time at point of meeting $50 - $100, but in some cases no extra cost involved).
    Hourly cost: $200/hour. A minimum of 3 hours upfront payment amount should be available on your account before scheduling your private session.

    2. GOLD membership. GOLD members have personal matchmaking assistance included with their membership level – 3 hours.

    3. Platinum or “180 Days Live Transformation” program members have personal matchmaker included with their membership level – 24 hours private consultation time.

    4. VIP membership. VIP members have personal matchmaker assistance available to them at anytime for unlimited amount of time and sessions.

    For women:

    1. Hire a personal matchmaker on hourly basis, who will address all your concerns, find out about search requirements and will suggest personals who meet your requirements. A personal matchmaker can get you in contact with those personals as well.
    Hourly cost: $100/hour. A minimum of 3 hours upfront payment amount should be available on your account before scheduling your private session.
    2. PLATINUM membership. PLATINUM members have personal matchmaking assistance included with their membership level. 5 hours of personal matchmaking per month is included.
    3. VIP membership. VIP members have personal matchmaker assistance available to them at anytime for unlimited amount of time and sessions.

    Submitting your photos
    Logon to your account and go to the 'ABOUT ME' menu, to the 'MY PHOTOS' sub tub. Click that link and you will be taken to the page where you can attach and submit unlimited number of photos.. VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure your photos are not bigger then 2 KB, and less then 2000 pix (on the larger side) in size, AND they are JPEG files, otherwise our system would not accept them.Please allow us 24 - 48 hours to activate your photos as this process is a manual activation.

    Can I send my picture to a certain woman/man instead of posting it in my profile?

    For men:

    No, you cannot just send a picture as attachment with your letter. In order for personals to access your photos, you have to submit them to your photo gallery.

    You sure can add your photos strictly to your photo gallery (not advisable) yet keep your profile without photos. Please, be advised that most ladies would automatically assume that you have no photos available at all if they wouldn't see any photos in your profile and they most likely will not figure out to look separately in your photo gallery (most women check profile photos first and only then look for additional photos in man’s photo gallery). So, if you wish keep your photos in photo gallery, but not in your profile - we advise you to instruct your ladies to look for your photos strictly in your photo gallery.

    VERY IMPORTANT! Your data and your photos are ALL password protected which means that your data is NOT available to be viewed by public, but by confirmed and approved opposite gender ONLY, which means that men do not have access to men's photos or profiles.
    So, posting your photos in your profile is safe; those photos will NOT appear anywhere but inside our secure members area. Your photos are not to be sold or distributed to any other sites or services, all profile and all photo data is securely protected and to be viewed by qualified members of opposite gender.

    For women:

    No, you cannot just send a picture as attachment with your letter. In order for personals to access your photos, you have to submit them to your photo gallery.

    Your profile HAS to have photos available in order to be activated in our system and viewed by male members. We do NOT approve profiles that have no pictures in it.
    If you wish your photos to be available to registered members only and not available publically, you have an option to "Hide" your profile, so this way ONLY logged in members will see your profile.

    VERY IMPORTANT! Your personal data is ALL password protected which means that your personal data such as last name, any direct contact information are NOT available to be viewed by public.

    So, posting your photos in your profile is absolutely safe, your photos are not to be sold or distributed to any other sites or services, all profile and all photo data are securely protected and to be viewed by qualified members of opposite gender.

    Updating profile information

    FOR MEN:

    Logon to your account using your e-mail and password. In main menu of your account in "ABOUT ME" category choose fields you want to change in your profile. For example:

    Basics - is your basic profile information

    My personality - is in debth your information such as hobbies, interests, music taste, etc

    My sexuality - is your sexual preferences

    My partner - is in depth your partner preferences

    My registration Data - is your contact information


    To change information click on any of these fields and then "Edit" button and submit your changes accordingly.

    Please, allow 24 - 48 hours for your changes to be activated, as activation is a manual process and requires our managers to confirm and approve changes.

    Once your changes are confirmed - you will receive a notification e-mail from us.


    Logon to to your account using your e-mail and password. In main menu of your account in "ABOUT ME" category choose fields you want to change in your profile. For example:

    Basics - is your basic profile information

    My personality - is in debth your information such as hobbies, interests, music taste, etc

    My sexuality - is your sexual preferences

    My partner - is in depth your partner preferences

    My registration Data - is your contact information

    Copy of passport (ID) - is required for ALL non-USA based ladies. This information is stored in our archives strictly and for our office verification only.

    Deep personality questionary - fill this questionary out if you want to provide more detailed information to your potentional matches. This information is available to GOLD or VIP men, so which will help you attract attention of members with high membership levels.

    To change information click on any of these fields and then "Edit" button and submit your changes accordingly.

    Please, allow 24 - 48 hours for your changes to be activated, as activation is a manual process and requires our managers to confirm and approve changes.

    Once your changes are confirmed - you will receive a notification e-mail from us.

    Changing: Name, Last name, e-mail address, mailing address
    Logon to your account.
    At the "ABOUT ME" MENU choose "My registration data"
    Click on "My Registration Data" then button "Edit" and in that form make necessary changes and click "Submit form" button.
    Please, allow us 24 - 48 hours to confirm changes, once eveyhting is approved oyu will be notified by e-mail.

    Your login e-mail will NOT be changed and will remain the same.

    Password Reminder
    You can request password reminder HERE , where Your login is your e-mail address.
    If you are rececing an error message, it means you don't have profile registered with us, so simply proceed to register profile.

    Non-received password after registration
    Please, follow easy steps to adjust settings in your e-mail account to ensure all our e-mails are accepted by your e-mail server. Click here

    Search for personals by their ID number, name, age, country, etc


    Login to your account using your Login name (your e-mail address) and password.
    On a right side of your account under "Search Lady" tab, click the link "Advanced Search" as shown on the picture.
    After new page with search criteria opens up, you can either search by:

    "ID" - just enter ID number and click SEARCH
    "Name" - enter a name and click "SEARCH NOW" at the buttom
    Any criteria you wish to search under: Country, city, age, height, weight, etc

    If you wish to see personal who are looking for your age, then simply enter your age in "REVISED SEARCH" box and click "search now", you will see personals who are looking for your someone of your age.


    Login to your account using your Login name (your e-mail address) and password.
    On a right side of your account under "Search Man" tab, click the link "Advanced Search" as shown on the picture.
    After new page with search criteria opens up, you can either search by:

    "ID" - just enter ID number and click SEARCH
    "Name" - enter a name and click "SEARCH NOW" at the buttom
    Any criteria you wish to search under: Country, city, age, height, weight, etc


    If you wish to see personal who are looking for your age, then simply enter your age in "REVISED SEARCH" box and click "search now", you will see personals who are looking for your someone of your age.

    Girl's ability to speak English. Do I need to speak Russian?
    Yes and no.
    It hasn't been a problem matching up non-English speakers and in many cases added to a woman's charm. Most women presented here had been studying English at certain point of their life, mostly they studied English at school. But due to absence of practice, they forgot most of it. Usually in most cases after a week of communication once woman starts talking with man face to face, she picks up many words and phrases.

    We have listed on each woman's profile her level of English proficiency in order to assist you. This is how it works:

    Beginning = Knows only the most Basic English. Has difficulty communicating in English.

    Basic = Studied English in the University or School. Makes lots of mistakes. Can speak.

    Fluent = Fluent English, most likely she even works with foreigners for some foreign company or lives in USA for some period of time.

    Also, almost every bookstore in the USA offers books on entry level Russian and invaluable dictionaries. Don't leave home without them
    How can I be sure that I do not get scammed? Am I being scammed?
    OksanaLove is free of scammers as we triple check our members, BUT if you believe that you are being scammed, please contact us right away!
    If you think that you might be scammed by any ladies you met on other dating services or dating services, we had prepared a 2 hour webinar for you to listen to and learn:
    - 2 basic scam schemes being currently used by the scam agencies and individual scammers.
    - 3 most popular sites (current leaders) where you most likely to start communication with scammers.
    - What type of women become scammers and why they choose such a “profession.”
    - How scammers are trained to become professionals
    - How much scammers are being paid and what is their salary margin.
    - How scam agencies operate and how they make money.
    - Letter templates scammers and scam agencies normally use to trigger you into sending money.
    - How you can know that you are not talking to a real girl.
    - 7 Simple steps to check whether or not your girl is real.

    And, there is MORE….
    What will writing emails versus making a visit do for me?
    Email is a great way to find out about a location and maybe a little about a specific girl too. It is an extremely bad way to obtain commitments and promises about anything.

    As to writing, a smart guy understands the following:

    The guy that visits small town Russia versus the guy that only writes will win every time. A girl that is worth writing to will be written to by more than one guy at the same time after all and actions are always more important than just words.

    She might promise you the world, but until you set foot into her world, all you have done is talk. While we say that talk is cheap, there is a Russian saying that Russian men talk a lot, but do very little.

    A trip to visit face to face is worth more than all the flowery letters in the world. An average guy will beat out a stud every time simply by coming here and being face to face with his lady.

    Don't be a talker. In the future, should you be corresponding with a lady you like , seriously think about coming to see her. You won't regret it.
    Do I have any chance at meeting and marrying a beautiful girl much younger than me?
    I can only give my opinion on this subject and I might be wrong in your case. You may or you may not and your mileage will vary.

    This depends upon your age, your appearance and your outlook on life. If you are physically fit, funny and interesting your chances are good.

    If you are the opposite, you need to make some changes in yourself or set your sights differently. Above all, you must be realistic. But you should put yourself in her shoes and it should be easy to understand.

    It is all real even for a man to have a chance with someone more than 20 - 30 years his junior. If you are looking for something like this I would suggest you use our VIP membership option where a personal matchmaker will help you find what you are looking for, as our matchmakers know which girls would consider a much older man.

    Some ladies follow a fast rule of only dating guys that are within a few years of their age while others are very flexible.

    We at OksanaLove, GirlsAcrossRussia and DateCruise honor and respect the ladies' wishes and we will apply no pressure onto a lady that says no to an older guy.

    Generally, but not always, it is acceptable to most ladies here to date a guy that is up to 15 - 20 years older than them. We call 20 years older, the top of the envelope and we recommend that you guys stick to that rule when writing letters or considering a trip.

    Anything more than 20 years would require a professional matchmaker's assistance and help to find. Most likely you will not find this on your own.

    An important thing needs to be said. I feel that your age should only be important if you and your lady decide to become serious with each other.

    Included in our member's profiles in some cases is what they consider to be the ideal age for them. You must decide what this means to you personally and whether or not you will take it literally. This may or may not be true for you and only you can experiment with what you are able to get away with.

    You should also consider that a 25-year-old girl in Russia is going to behave as a 35-year-old woman will in the states.

    She will be more mature than any 25 year old that you will ever meet in the States. A 35 year old woman will behave as a 45 year old woman in the states and so on.

    I feel that a young girl's willingness to meet you and their maturity should make you leave your US values and judgments behind where they belong. The likelihood is good that you will be dating someone considerably younger than you have in years. The values and mores in the good old USA should stay in the good old USA.

    You should do what makes you happy and if that includes young girls, have I got a deal for you.

    Of course, should you decide to take her to the US or elsewhere as your wife, you'll have to think about those social issues, but I have a suggestion. Why not worry about that when the time comes?
    Should I allow a beautiful woman's looks intimidate me?
    Absolutely not!

    When I first started doing this I was amazed at all the emails I received from guys telling me how one woman or another was their dream, but they were afraid to write that first letter.

    Of course, these weren't their exact words, but this was in effect what they were saying to me.

    At the same time I had these beautiful women stopping by my office asking me if they had received anything and I was the one that saw their faces dim when I told them no.

    It is amazing how the lack of gonads is the main thing that keeps guys apart from women that they would gladly give them up for.

    Please don't let a woman's appearance intimidate you because many times the idea is in your head and not hers.
    What should I put into that first letter and what should I expect in response?
    First letters are always tough for both the man and the girl.

    I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked this one by men and also by the ladies. My advice to the men and also to the ladies is exactly the same and here it is.

    Be yourself and don't attempt to be someone you are not.

    Stress your strengths and don't tell about weaknesses at this point.

    If you can include a bit of humor, then do it.

    If you are a serious person try to show it.

    In all cases do not ask for any kind of commitment as the person receiving the letter will think you are a nut.

    Make the initial letter short and to the point and you should tell why you were attracted to that person initially, but don't overdo it.

    Pretty women like to hear they are pretty, but this can sometimes get boring. Look for something else about the lady that is attractive to you as you will get a lot more from these extra comments then the ones that an average person writes.

    Don't beg for a response.

    Instead include some intriguing things about yourself that will impel her to answer you.

    This formula works and anyone can do it.

    Above all, be honest.

    If there is something that you don't want her to know at that point, just don't say it.

    Also, if you are not an Adonis, don't include a photo. I know that other services encourage you to include a photo immediately, but I have found that sometimes backfires.

    Waiting until the lady gets to know you a bit won't hurt anything and maybe then your ugly mug won't be such a shock.

    If you are handsome of course include a photo immediately.
    My family and friends have been filling my with the idea that I have lost my mind by pursuing a Russian girl. Is this normal? Are there any good Russian women?
    Yes and I would only worry if your friends and family didn't do just that.

    I don't need to tell you about the bad press, stretched stories and testimonials you see and read these days.

    In Russia they have the same stories only guess what; it is the Americans that are the bad guys. Two things to consider.

    The press always focuses upon the dramatic and distorted.

    Because of this, I always try to follow a rule in that nothing is ever all good or all bad. When I hear someone tell me that something is terrible under all situations, I turn them off immediately.

    If it were true that all Russian women or even a majority of Russian women were bad, why is it then that there are so many of these agencies popping up everywhere you turn?

    The answer is that Russian ladies are no different than any other women in that some are good and some are bad.

    I have an observation for you to think about.

    Why is it that most men that run these agencies are either married or seriously involved with Russian women?

    Do you think that a guy like me would get involved with someone that was going to harm or otherwise do something bad to me?

    I am the prototype example and I love most Russian women.
    Would it be easier for me to pay in advance for services so that there are no delays in getting things done?
    Whether you realize it or not, you are about to embark upon an adventure that will require trust.

    You will either trust your own senses in getting things done in our unfamiliar setting, sort of an uninformed do it yourself, or you will trust an introduction agency to do things on your behalf.

    Whichever introduction agency you choose will involve different levels of trust because different agencies will offer different things.

    We offer prepaid accounts.

    The first and most popular of which is for the service of prepaying an E-mail and Translation account so that you and your lady or ladies can immediately write and completely understand each other when you want to.

    If you go to the trouble of selecting a lady and then writing a letter, it makes sense that you would want to get it into her hands as quickly as you possible.

    You can do that by sending an E-mail message here to our Russian office. We would then translate it into her language, get her response to you, translate it back into English and then send it off to you within five working days of your initial e-mail.

    It is amazing and well worth your consideration. E-mail letters through our Russian office are 100 % effective and they will get to the intended party each and every time guaranteed.

    If you don't get a response, you don't pay! All of our products can be paid for in advance and if you change your mind we will quickly give you a credit on your credit card within one day's time.

    Should you want to move some of your email money to let's say flowers just send us an email and we will do it. The same goes for any of our other services.

    Incidentally, it would be illogical for us to hurt you as a customer for twenty or thirty dollars and then lose you as a prospect for a visit.

    Think about it and if you have any questions, send us an email.
    Copyright © 2025, Oksanalove, Inc. All Right reserved
    No portion of this site may be used without written permission of Oksanalove, Inc.