About Almaty
Discover Almaty Kazakhstan with Introduction Dating Marriage agency Oksanalove.

When I first came to Almaty the beauty and the greatness of this city surprised me.
There is everything here a man can imagine. Almaty can fit the needs of not only a person from a province but also of a person who has seen a lot. The nature around the city is just wonderful. There is no need to go by car for ours to see it. It is enough to go out of the city to see this nice beauty of nature.


Would you like to ski in the mountains?
Would you like to relax in nightclubs?
Would you like to look at Almaty beautiful girls?
Would you like to visit first class restaurants with various cuisines of the world?
Would you like to dissimulate in the world of the virgin nature?
Would you like to climb the mountains?
Would you like to have adventures?
Then dear sirs WELCOME TO ALMATY!

Almaty City, pop. Approx. 2,000,000, SE Kazahkstan. Formerly the capital of Kazahkstan, it lost its capital status in 1997 to Astana. The modern city was founded in 1854 when the Russians established a military fortification on the site of the ancient city of Almaty, destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th cent. With the coming of the railroad in 1930, its population grew rapidly. In World War II, heavy industry expanded widely as factories were evacuated to there from Russian Europe. The city remains a major industrial center today. Almaty has 16 museums, 63 banks, and 36 embassies of countries from around the globe.

Modern day Almaty offers a variety of outdoor activities year round. Both skiers and skaters will enjoy the modernized winter recreation areas of Chimbulak and Medeo located just minutes away in the beautiful Tien-Shan mountain range. Both area’s offer summer fun as well with walking tours and outdoor restaurants where the less physically inclined can just relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings while sampling the local beers or a cup of Kazakh tea.

Are aerial adventures your thing? Try a ride with the Altair hot air balloon company or a tram ride up to the Kok-tuybe tower, which offers a panoramic overlook of the city. Cutting edge adventure is only a few hours’ drive from Almaty in one of the most breathtaking sights in Asia, Charyn Canyon. Also known as Valley of the Castles, whitewater enthusiasts and rock climbers will savor the Grand Canyon of Kazakhstan.

The city center of Almaty has multiple parks that are home to beautiful churches, gardens, and statues. Points of interest abound for the amateur and professional photographer alike. Must see sights include the memorials and the cathedral in the 28 Guards Park, restored beautifully inside and out. A view of the Orthodox cathedral at night when lit earns the word spectacular.

For those whose interests lie indoors, sample Almaty’s nightclubs like the Tequila Sunrise in the Otrar hotel, and Arman. Avid dancers and pop music fans will find both of these clubs to their liking. If gambling is more your style then both the Miracle Casino and the Casino Plaza in the Almaty Hyatt offer American style Roulette and stud poker as well as slots and banko.

Restaurants in Almaty are as different as they are numerous. For Continental cuisine try Olde England for specialties like rack of lamb or beef Wellington in a quiet, formal setting. The Tropicana offers fresh seafood as impressive as their collection of freshwater and saltwater tanks that offer diners a relaxing nautical atmosphere. Dastarkhan has a widely varied menu that includes traditional Russian, Georgian, and Kazakh dishes as well as American / European favorites. For those in love with Italian food Venezia is a casual place for pizza, pasta’s, and some great desserts as well.

Accommodations in Almaty range from 1-5 star hotels. Particularly nice is the 163 room Otrar Hotel located downtown across from the 28 Guards Park. Rooms are air-conditioned, and they offer cable TV, a pool, direct-dial phones, and mini-bars. There is also a casino and nightclub on the premises, as well as a restaurant serving Kazakh, Pakistani, Indian, and European style cuisine.

"Medeo" skating ring

One of the greatest places of interest in Almaty is a world known high mountain skating rink "Medeo".
It was opened on Decenber22, 1972. This sport complex is situated 1679m above a sea level and by its technical characteristics is the first in NIS and one of the first in the world. It surpasses by its qualities the world known skating rinks as Incell in Germany (700m above sea level) and Davos in Switzerland (1543m above sea level). 180 world records on speedy ice-skating were set up on "Medeo".
Actually Medeo is one of the favorite places for rest among the inhabitants of Almaty for on its arena The International contest of pop-music Voice of Asia is held up here too. Many famous people tried to climb up the steps of the skating rink but for some of them it was impossible. There are 535 steps in all. You also have a chance to do this and it will be much more interesting if you take your girl friend with you. You will be able to see how strong your girl friend is. You will also be able to show to your lady your strength. The car will sure follow you if both of you get tired very quickly.

New Square

New Square is the place where the parades, festivals and sport celebrations usually take place. Its length is 580m and its width is 210m. Government House. All buildings around the Square are the symbols of a new State. The Presidential Palace, The state Republic Museum, hotel"Ankara", the building of movies studio are among them. Stella. The idea of creation of the Memorial of Independence came first into the head of the President of Kazakhstan NazarbayevN.A. in 1993.
While being in Egypt in Luksore the president has seen a wonderful memorial in front of an ancient temple and suggested his architect thinking of creating the similar one to memorize the promulgating the Independence of Kazakhstan. The resolution of the president "About the creation in Almaty the Monument of Independence" appeared on July, 13,1995. In the center there is a vertical stella-28m. The gold man on it is 6m high. There is a sculpture group at the foot of the Stella which consists of allegoric figures of "Mother-sky"," Mother-earth" and two children on little horses.
Figures are on the 4 sides on the world. Where the water comes from and makes the land fertile. The children are the symbol of youth and the great future of the Republic. From other side there are a father, a mother and their children composing a family, which is the basis of the State and multiplication of human's kind. The monument is made of bronze, granite and concrete. The wise thoughts in Kazakh, Russian, English and Turk are made on the level of their eyes. Here is one of them: "Who poisoned Socrates? Who burnt Jeanne d'Arc? Who crucified Christ? -The crowd. The crowd is crazy, try to show it the right way"- Abay, 19th century.
I could not imagine that the history of Almaty is so interesting till I began to be interested in it. The more I get to know the more interesting it is to me. I wish you to improve the same feelings I am feeling now they are just fabulous.

28 Panfilov's Guardians Park

It is really a nice park!
There are very many various memorial plaques, which will tell you a lot about its history and about the people who built it. This memorial was created in honor of those who defended our country its freedom and independence during the Great Patriotic War. The Saint Voznesensk cathedral. The main place of interest of the 28 Panfilov's Guardians Park is the St. Voznesensk cathedral-the unique construction, which is 56m high, made without any nail from Tyan-Shan fur-trees.
It was built in 1887after a great earthquake when almost all city buildings were destroyed. The great architect Zenkov A.P. has invented a new method of building constructions in seismic zones owing to which the cathedral did not suffer from the second strong earthquake in 1911. The Harrison Officers' House Zenkov built it too. It is one of a famous architectural values and the Law protects it. Here new officer nominations are given and the finals military colleges Diplomas are handed. The museum of Folk Musical Instrument has been located here since 1983. In its funds there are more than 40 kinds of Kazakh National Instruments on which many famous people played (Byrjan, Abay, Jambyl). It is so romantic to stroll here with your girl and to be in the shadow of the trees. This park is one of the most important places of interest of Almaty. Please do not forget to take your camera with you. You will never regret about visiting it.


If you are fond of alpine skies I guess Chimbulak is just for you. Unforgettable feelings. Available both in winter and in summer. You will have a chance to climb mountains. The skis and all to walk in the mountains are possible to rent here. There are also hotels and restaurants here. If you come here in summer you will be able to climb the mountains, to breathe fresh air, to ride on a rope-lifting road and to take pictures of this beauty.
Our modern lifting equipment will bring you up to above the sea level. The air is so clear here that it makes a pleasure to breathe. Everybody agrees-Chimbulak is the best ski resort in central Asia. It has always been an attractive place for adventurous and athletic people from all over the world. Unique mix of beautiful landscape, climate (average winter temperature 7-15 degrees Celsius), quality service and comfortable and safe recreation opportunities leaves no wonders why Chimbulak is so popular. Snow remains on trails from November till may with thickness around. Dear Sirs, Chimbulak is waiting for you!

Aya-Fantasy World

So read, come and try. There are various sideshows there such as "The Room of Horrors", "Flying to the skies". The titles speak for themselves. If you get hungry you can get here various salads, cold and hot snacks etc. Just follow my advice. After having had a good dinner do not go into merry-go -round carrousels. I advise it to you in order to escape sudden surprises from your stomach.
Do you feel sad and blue? You are not any more if you come here and you will have a lot of impressions after visiting here. It does not only take the breath away sometimes you just cannot breathe. Welcome to Fantasy -the embodiment of your dreams.

Supermarket "Ramstore"

"Ramstore" is the biggest store in Almaty. You can buy here anything you want from the tie -pins up to the automobile. There are 3 largest stores with the shops of the world known firms and of the local firms too. Cafes, bars, restaurants are located on every floor. Elevators will help you to ascent. Banks will help you to cash your money. But the most pleasant for me is the skating rink on the first floor. You will have a chance to show your ability to skate and the merriest point is that people who came here to do shopping will look at you as it is just in the center. Perhaps I will join you too to skate a bit with you.
That will be great fun as I skated last when I was 5. We will remember how to do it together. Do not forget to take your camera.


As to the national cuisine of Kazakh people it is very various. But the king of it is Beshbarmac. It is translated from Kazakh as five fingers. As the matter of fact it must be eaten with only 5 fingers and it is hard for a new comer to hold slippery pieces of dough. It is prepared from the best mutton, in the pan hung over fire. The wood for the fire is also special- only saksaul and kizyak.
Then the pieces of dough cut in squares and made of hard wheat flour are added into the pan with a boiled mutton. The ready dish is served for a guest for he to cut the meat into pieces. The bouillon with onion and pepper is served separately. If you make up your mind to order bashbarmak do not forget to take your camera with you. That will be fun. I have not learned to eat it myself yet but as I have some kind of experience I will help you.

Come to Almaty, and witness the beauty of Kazakhstan for yourself.

Welcome to Almaty!!!
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