Meet happy Eastern European women and Western men who found love and happiness at

First of all, I want all readers of this testimonial to know that I volunteered to write it. I'm just a middle class guy, not a public relations pro or promoter. My words come from my heart and experiences in Punta Cana and nothing else. I believe in giving credit where it's due and I also want others to possibly experience the happiness that I did in one short week.
Somehow one Sunday afternoon, I found my way onto Oksana's website and within 5 minutes found my soul mate. I know how that sounds because I'm as big a skeptic as anyone but as heaven is my witness, that's what happened. Elena's photo spoke to me, not in words but something deeper, something at a visceral level. I saw her and I just knew that she was "the one". Don't ask me why because I can't tell you, even now. All I knew is that I had to find her.
To make a long story short, I joined Oksana's website and began emailing Elena. In a very short time, my initial feelings were proven true, even beyond what I had imagined. We agreed to meet in Punta Cana and spent a week at the villa together, getting to know one another in person. She made me very happy by agreeing to marry me and we've begun the visa process. I cannot describe my feelings toward her accurately but suffice it to say that somehow, over thousands of miles and halfway around the world from Chicago, I've finally found the woman I can't live without.
But I must back up a bit now. There was, of course, a language difference. Elena and I agreed that if we cared enough about one another, then this would be a minor barrier and that we would learn each other's languages. In the meantime, though, we needed help and that's where Oksana's services really kicked in. Our emails were translated correctly to each other prior to meeting in Punta Cana and continued throughout our stay. Oksana, who is a tireless woman who works way too hard, provided us with everything we needed. I told her that I wanted to give Elena a week that Cinderella would be envious of and she did just that.
Oksana goes that "extra mile" that we always hear about but seldom experience. The general accomodations at her villa are exceptional and has a family atomosphere where you feel as if you're in your own home. It's not a cold hotel setting but a personal setting with character. The vast ocean beaches are quite close and the views are breathtaking. I only went there to see my beloved Elena but while there, I met some very kind and remarkable ladies who also helped us along our romantic path together. We were engaged at a restaurant apart from the villa and upon arriving home, the girls had decorated the villa, had a decorated cake waiting, and threw us a very nice congratulatory party.
Oh, but it didn't stop there. Oksana and her assistants are still helping us as we weave our way through the visa process, one that I certainly wouldn't attempt alone.
Well, maybe whoever reads this won't fall in love as quickly as Elena and I did. It may take you a while longer to find your life partner than it did me but if you end up as happy as I am, it's time well spent. You could say that ours was a fairy tale romance and you wouldn't be far off. But the tale will no doubt end with "...and they lived happily forever after" in part due to Oksana's tireless efforts to bring us together. She brought me the one person who I know I can love until the end of time, a kind and graceful woman who will always be the center of my universe. Thank you, Oksana.


drumstick54 (at) yahoo (dot) com



Я очень счастлива!!!


Два года назад я попала на сайт «Oksana Love». Как и все мечтала о достойном мужчине.

После первого неудачного знакомства я отказалась писать другим мужчинам и совсем перестала заходить    сайт.

Мне 46 лет – я уже ни во что не верила! Решила посвятить себя сыну, его будущей семье.

Через два года мне позвонили из агентства и сказали, что один мужчина хочет познакомиться только со мной. Оксана показывала фото других девочек, но он твердо стоял на  своем. Этим рассказом они меня подкупили и я не устояла – согласилась на переписку и затем на встречу в Пунта Кана.

Был момент,  когда я снова готова была отказаться от поездки, боялась и не верила.

Большое спасибо моему сыну за то, что он поддержал меня.

Мои родители были категорически против. Они очень переживали – ведь для них мы в любом возрасте – дети. Родная сестра тоже сказала, что никогда бы не поехала. У нее в семье все хорошо и, наверное, ей трудно было понять мой шаг, но именно она повлияла на родителей, разговаривая с ними, чтобы они согласились на мой отъезд. Тем самым тоже поддержала меня.

Спасибо родителям – они благословили меня на поездку.

Я пишу это письмо и я очень счастлива, что судьба подарила мне такого любимого человека, как Марк. Он постой американский мужчина, увидел и понял мою душу по фотографии. И окружил меня такой заботой и вниманием, чего я раньше никогда не видела и не испытывала.

Сказка оказалась реальностью. Здесь в Пунта Канна мы обручились. Теперь я учу английский язык и жду визу для поездки в Америку вместе с сыном.

Я желаю всем счастья! Почаще проговаривайте свои мечты вслух и они будут услышаны.

Радуйтесь за других!

Всем спасибо – спасибо агентству «Oksana Love», спасибо Оксане и Лене, а также Женечке!!! 







                                                                                                                      Понтарь Елена

                                                                                                                      Украина, г. Луганск




                                                                                                                      25.05.2010 год


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